The title of this series, “The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House”, is quoted from the poem "The Iron and the Rust" by the French Surrealist writer Michel Leiris. Made in a time that followed several health related challenges, these carry an autobiographical understanding of the invisible threads of pain we carry in this house we call a body. The natural materials used, many of which were gathered in Mexico, include copal seeds, pochote and marigold petals, pigment from wild cochineal insects, naturally dyed yarn, and various ochres. These nature-derived, living contributions act as characters within a story, and speak to the meaning behind the cycles of life and death, the containers of our existence, all that is given, all that is taken, and all that is left behind.

The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House #1

Paper collage with cochineal, amate, and lapis lazuli


The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House #2

Paper collage with raw cochineal and a pressed flower from Teotihuacan


The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House #3

Paper collage with amate, indigo and brazil wood dyed yarn, and ochre pastel



The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House #4

Paper collage with madder root, vivianite, and clay pigment with dried pochote petal, raw cochineal, and lapis lazuli


The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House #5

Paper collage with indigo dyed yarn, dried pochote petals, and ochre and bone black pigment


The Entrails of the Earth Group to Form a House #6

Paper collage with indigo and pochote dyed paper, indigo and brazil wood dyed yarn, copal seeds, copal leaves, marigold petals, and cantera verde pigment




Curved From Being Held


Nightshift (Like Manna From Heaven)